Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2013!!! New Year New Me!!!

 OK so the last time I was on here I was all set to start this Journey to weigh loss and Better eating....well I seem to Always say im going to do that and yet It NEVER happens!!! I seems to always have an excuse or a reason I cant and better yet I just Don't want to. 

 Back in 2007 I was married to my Husband and had lost a ton of weight working with the Family I use to work for in Barrington... They were on a All organic all Fruits and Vegetables and NO CARBS kick to help get themselves in shape and ready for the summer and to start teaching there boys the importance of being Healthy!!! On the Day of my wedding I weighed around 125 @ the Height of 5/3- 5/4. 
Shortly after we were married I changed Jobs and started working more hours for a Family with a new Baby and had Less motivation to keep going.. I was already married and I was working a full time Job and better yet I didnt need to look good!!!!

Well here I am almost 6 years later and weighing in at 20 ibs more than that day nearly 6 years ago and 25ibs more than where my heart desires to be!!!!!

 It seems like every year I would say I will loose the weight, be more active, eat better, and care more and yet it never Happened. I have been in 2 weddings that I was Determined to Look AMAZING in and yet the day came where the amount they took in was not where i Really wanted to be.
I have tried to loose weight to impress others and Fit in and Feel accepted and yet that only left me feeling lonely and like a utter failure. 
I have tried to loose weight to make others Happy and Proud and yet ending up Failing all over again.
I Have tried to loose weight for that summer vacation so when I walk around Disney World by the end of the day, I feel normal and Not  10 years older than I actually am, Never Happened!!!

Well this year I will be 30 and I am Determined to not let that age approach being in the shape I was and am in.... So thats why i have made this Year 2013 about GOD & ME!!!

No more crash diets, no more loosing weight to fit in,( accept me for me for I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made) No more I I I!!!!!!

Its about God and Myself and Where Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually I need to be and Learning to accept who GOD has made me to be!!

I started 2013 weighing in @ 145.6 and set a goal for myself to Change my Eating habits, Attend the Gym 3/4 times a week and Spend more time in the Word and focusing more on where God wants me to be And NOT where I want to be!!!

I am writing this almost a month later cause I tend to set goals and get on this High and Never follow thru, well this year has Already been a Much better year and has already been a HUGE improvement!!! 

I go to the Gym ALL the time and LOVE it and Although I have a few bad days and times when I pull the ME ME ME, I tend to then turn around and Say, GOD didnt Quit on me so why Am I quiting on Him!!!

 I have written little notes to myself to encourage me and put them in my car and On my phone, and I have a Few friends who Also have been A HUGE encouragement!!!! 

  So stay tuned for the Monthly weigh in and to Here more about what 2013 has to offer!!!  


1 comment:

  1. Amanda! I'm so glad you started a blog! This is going to be an amazing source of support for you! I'm so proud of you and your journey this far. You're amazing and you can do this!
