Wednesday, July 11, 2012


ok so its been awhile and I know that, I am sorry! however I have some exciting news to share and while I left some people in suspense with a earlier post on Facebook that was all to Simple and not enough info for them, I wanted to share this news in person with Friends and Family First before I announced it to the Public of Facebook!!


Well....Not really but Sorta, over the last several days As I adventure out I can't help but embrace and acknowledge the Beauty all Around me and how I just want to document and capture the moments in each person and each part of Creation!!
After much prayer and discussion I finally stopped talking myself out of Fulfilling a Life long dream of mine and decided to enroll in some online classes in Photography!

YES..Another photographer, trust me this is one of many but mainly the only thing that had been keeping me from pursuing this dream. So many people around me are taking classes or teaching themselves and building websites and businesses and Succeeding in this Field as photographer and I never wanted to step on toes, or feel Not good Enough compared to the ones around me and what they do or feel like there was always going to be someone better.
Well there will always be someone better, and I'm sure some toes will be stepped on and even more I KNOW that other people will have there favorite photographer and I won't be it BUT thats OK!!!

My dream is to capture the moments in life and in people and in Creation that show the true beauty or the personality, the character and the uniqueness of what life, people and creation has to offer!!!
I am not doing this to be better than the next Photographer I am doing this for me and to Accomplish something in My life!!!

 SO here goes Nothing and Here starts my Journey at the New York Institute Of Photography!
Its a six part course where I will have projects, Test, books and DVDS that I will be working on over the Next 2/3 years... I can set my own pace, finish in my own time and have fun doing it!!!

I am excited, anxious and nervous all at the same Time but I know that God is the Pilot Flying this Course of my Life and Through HIM, NOTHING is impossible!!!!!!

Hope you follow my journey and My work as my First task on this Course is to BLOG about this Experience!!!

:) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you that is awesome! You DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO! Good luck!
